2024/2025 Committee Members
The Photographic Society of Petaling Jaya (PSPJ) is a photography club with a humble beginning, born by a few photography enthusiasts in 1987. PSPJ till today still provides the same opportunities for its members to pursue, learn, practice, and share the art of creating images with their cameras. Members ranging from newbies, amateurs, hobbyists’ and serious photographers gather regularly at our once-a-month meeting at Harmony Hall C-19-2, Dataran 3Two, Jalan 19/1, Seksyen 19, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, every first Saturday of the month.
Over the years, more than 2000 photography enthusiasts have walked through the door of PSPJ. During our monthly meetings, the main agenda is the photo-sharing session, where photos submitted by members from images taken during our twice-monthly outings are showcased. Members learn from the comments of the judges and members the salient points of the photos that were selected winners for each outing, and advise members of the common mistakes in photography which often elude many photographers.
Our members of all ages and nationalities have kept alive the spirit of the club when it was founded, that is to “Enjoy Photography” among fellow photographers. With the many activities, photo sharing by guest speakers and members alike, PSPJ membership has been growing steadily as one of the few friendly and easy to blend in photo club that remains active and aspires to make a difference in photography in Malaysia. Senior members and Advisors are regular at meetings to share and guide learning photographers to learn and master this visual language as a special interest group. Contests and regular monthly outings are planned to provide passionate photo enthusiasts with photographic knowledge and action throughout the year.
In one sense, photography is still about pointing a camera at the world and capturing the momentary image that woos and wows its audience. The differentiation is how the photographer sees, interprets, and creates the image that is subject to one’s perception, thoughts, and emotional connection to the scene and through this the sense of appreciation and admiration of its creativity and uniqueness.
The objectives of the Society are to:
Promote interest in photography.
Raise the quality and standard of photography in the country.
Develop photographic activities as an art and a science.
Foster understanding and harmony among races in Malaysia and from overseas in terms of culture and philosophy through photography.
Those who have an interest in photography by supporting the objectives of the Society and are at least 18 years old are welcomed to join as members by visiting the Membership section.
Committee 2024/2025
AGM was held on Saturday, 2nd March 2024, the club elected the new committee members for the term of 2024 and 2025. The AGM was held physically at Harmony Hall and online using google meet. Total of 33 members attended the physical meeting at Harmony Hall.
Below are the elected committee members group photo, credit to Mr. Peter Chia.

2024/2025 Committee
President : Mr. Albert Low Peng Mun
Vice President : Ms. Ellen Hui Yuen Fong
Secretary : Mr. Boey Tuck Sai
Assistant Secretary : Ms. Evelyn Tan Bee Leng
Treasurer : Mr. Ho Hin Choy
Assistant Treasurer : Ms. Chua Yuen Yee
Committee Members
: Mr. Ronald Ruben Amalanathan
: Ms. Allicia Thau Poh Leng
: Mr. Edwin Ng Wei Hoong
: Mr. Albert Wong Weng Kong
: Mr. Uthaya Kumaran al Krishnan
: Mr. Peter Chia Jak Yan
Appointed Auditors
: Mr. Kwan Ing Sang
: Ms. Ean Yong Mui
Mr. Raja Indra Putra (Ripi)
Committee 2023/2024
At the AGM held on Saturday, 4th March 2023, the club elected the new committee members for the term of 2023 and 2024. The AGM was held physically at Harmony Hall and online using google meet.
Below are the elected committee members group photo, credit to Mr. Jon Liang.

2023/2024 Committee
President : Mr. Albert Low Peng Mun
Vice President : Mr. Loo Poh Chin
Secretary : Mr. Boey Tuck Sai
Assistant Secretary : Mr. Edmund Teh Chang Hao
Treasurer : Mr. Ho Hin Choy
Assistant Treasurer : Ms. Chua Yuen Yee
Committee Members : Mr. Kenny Foong
: Ms. Allicia Thau Poh Leng
: Mr. Adee Too See Fong
: Mr. Victor Cheong Mun Yuen
: Mr. Uthaya Kumaran al Krishnan
: Mr. Peter Chia Jak Yan
Appointed Auditors : Mr. Kwan Ing Sang
: Ms. Ellen Hui Yuen Fong
Committee 2022/2023
At the 35th Adjourned AGM on Saturday, 2nd of April 2022, the club members nominated and elected their New President, Mr. Albert Low. The following Committee Members and Auditors were elected to hold office for the year 2022/2023:

PSPJ Elected Committee Members (Year 2022/2023)
Main Committee Members:
President : Mr. Low Peng Mun (Albert)
Vice President : Mr. Loo Poh Chin
Secretary : Mr. Teh Chang Hao (Edmund)
Assistant Secretary : Mr. Boey Tuck Sai
Treasurer : Mr. Ho Hin Choy
Assistant Treasurer : Ms. Chua Yuen Yee
Ordinary Committee Members
Ms. Hui Yuen Fong (Ellen)
Mr. Foong Kin Loong (Kenny)
Mr. Too See Fong (Adee)
Mr. Uthaya Kumaran Krishnan
Mr. Tan Keen Meng (James)
Mr. Chia Jak Yan (Peter)
Mr. Kwan Ing Sang
Mr. Tan Boon Kar
Mr. Raja Indra Putra (Ripi)
Mr. Alex Moh Chean Seng
Committee 2021/2022
At the 34th AGM on Saturday, 3rd of April 2020, the club members nominated and elected their New President, Mr. Adee Too. The following Committee Members and Auditors were elected to hold office for the year 2021/2022:

Main Committee Members :
President : Mr. Too See Fong (Adee)
Vice President : Mr. Choo Yong Wei (Davy)
Secretary : Mr. Boey Tuck Sai
Assistant Secretary : Mr. Teh Chang Hao (Edmund)
Treasurer : Mr. Ho Hin Choy
Assistant Treasurer : Mr. Tan Boon Kar
Ordinary Committee Members:
Mr. Low Peng Mun (Albert)
Mr. Tan Keen Meng (James)
Ms. Ellen Hui Yuen Fong
Mr. Foong Kin Loong (Kenny)
Mr. Loo Poh Chin
Mr. Chia Jak Yan (Peter)
Mr. Kwan Ing Sang
Ms. Chua Yuen Yee
Mr. Raja Indra Putra (Ripi)
Past PSPJ Committee Members
Committee 2020/2021
At the 33rd AGM on Saturday, 4th of July 2020, the club members nominated and elected their New President, Mr. Adee Too. The following Committee Members and Auditors were elected to hold office for the year 2020/2021:

Main Committee Members :
President : Mr. Too See Fong (Adee)
Vice President : Mr. Choo Yong Wei (Davy)
Secretary : Mr. Boey Tuck Sai
Assistant Secretary : Ms. Loke Foong Wai (Greedibear)
Treasurer : Mr. Ho Hin Choy
Assistant Treasurer : Mr. Tam Foo Chorng
Ordinary Committee Members:
Ms. Hilda Vader Meaulen
Mr. Teh Chang Hao (Edmund)
Mr. Low Peng Mun (Albert)
Mr. Chia Jak Yan (Peter)
Mr. Velayutham A/L Nadeson
Mr. Edvin Ong Meng Kwang
Mr. Chua Yuen Yee
Mr. Kwang Ing Sang
Mr. Raja Indra Putra (Ripi)