*This notice and all attachments mentioned have been sent to all current & registered members via email and announced on the PSPJ forum on 19 August 2016. Please check your e-mail. Thank you.*
Persatuan Senifoto Petaling Jaya (PSPJ) or the Society is hereby giving notice to all members of good standing (paid-up members) that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held as follows:
Date: Saturday, 3 September 2016
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: Harmony Hall, Dataran 3 Two, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
This EGM is hereby called upon by the present committee (Committee) that was elected on the 11 June 2016 for the term 2016 – 2017 in accordance with the Society’s Constitution (Constitution) as follows:
(i) Article 6.7 sub-section (a). An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be held if the Committee deems it necessary; and
(ii) Article 6.9. The announcement and agenda of the EGM should be forwarded to all the members by the Secretary not later than 14 days before the appointed meeting.
The Agenda of the EGM is for amendments of PSPJ Constitution.
The rationales of amendments are as follows:
(i) To update the Constitution to be in keeping with the latest Societies Act 1996 (revised 2006) e.g. duration of submissions of reports and inclusion of description of logo.
(ii) To update the Constitution to be in keeping with the latest templates provided by the Registrar of Societies (ROS). The Bahasa Malaysia version (version 4) being the official version and the English also used as additional reference.
(iii) To amend the provisions so they are in keeping with the existing practice of the Society and to allow operating procedures to be set out in a separate Standing Orders document. Therefore, this will reduce the frequency of EGMs to amend the Constitution
(iv) To amend the provisions so that certain provisions that are not practicable to comply are removed (but still ensure that this does not impact the proper governance of the Society).
(v) To amend spelling mistakes and typos.
The Committee would appreciate your attendance and participation at this EGM, as your commitment and contribution would benefit the society to further its objectives as spelled out in the Constitution.
Please be reminded when you attend the EGM on the above date, kindly bring along this notice together with the following appendices and supporting documents which are enclosed here for your information and attention:
(i) Amendments to the constitution – proposed changes.
(ii) Lampiran A (Side-by-side Constitution and Proposed Amended Constitution in Bahasa Malaysia).
(iii) The Society’s Constitution and Proposed Amended Constitution in English.
Thank you for your cooperation.
By Order of the Committee
Boey Tuck Sai
Secretary, 1560
Persatuan Senifoto Petaling Jaya
Enjoy Photography !